Hellsing (original)Hellsing revolved around an organization dedicated solely to the eradication of vampire kind and the ominous ghouls that spawn from...
GrenadierGrenadier revolved around a world transitioning from steel weaponry to the deadly efficiency of massed produced firearms. Due to this...
Grave of the FirefliesGrave of the Fireflies was a heartbreaking anime that tragically begins with the death of the protagonist, a young boy named Seita. The...
Gash Bell (Zatch Bell)One hundred demon children, gifted with spell books that unlock their innate abilities, have ascended to the human world in search of the...
Azumanga DaiohAzumanaga Daioh was a cute slice of life anime that revolved around the daily lives of six high school girls and their wacky/insane...
Deadman WonderlandDeadman Wonderland began with an earth shattering tragedy that leads to the false conviction of middle school student Igarashi Ganta of...
Appleseed AlphaThe remnants of a post-apocalyptic world, mercenary soldiers Deunan and her cyborg partner Briareos attempt to scratch out a living in...